
Introduction to MPU by Points

In Germany, accumulating points on the driving record may require an MPU (Medizinisch-Psychologische Untersuchung) to ensure that drivers with recurrent risky behavior can demonstrate their ability to drive safely.

When is an MPU by Points Necessary?

Since 2014, the point system in Flensburg was adjusted from 18 to 8 points. If a driver accumulates 8 points due to serious or repeated traffic violations, their driver’s license is revoked.

Violations are penalized with 1 to 3 points depending on their severity:

  • 1 point for minor offenses
    Expires after 2.5 years.
  • 2 points for serious offenses or minor crimes
    Expires after 5 years.
  • 3 points for major crimes
    Expires after 10 years.

Each Type of Offense Has a Statute of Limitations

After which points are automatically removed from the record by the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA).

Criteria for Requesting an MPU

  • Involvement in a significant traffic offense
    Repeated behaviors that violate traffic regulations.
  • Repeated behaviors that violate traffic regulations
    Offenses that show a high potential for aggression or were committed using a vehicle.
  • Offenses that show a high potential for aggression or were committed using a vehicle
    Repeated behaviors that violate traffic regulations.
MPU Courses
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Specific Preparation for MPU by Points

  • Offense Analysis
    Detailed discussion of the specific offenses that led to the accumulation of points.
  • Behavior Change
    Evidence of efforts to improve traffic behavior, such as participation in road safety courses.
  • Future Planning
    Perspectives and plans to ensure responsible and safe driving.

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